Saturday, February 26, 2011

Keynotopia's Awesome Story

If you are following my tweets you probably already saw THIS story, it is an amazing story of how in three hours, he was able to launch a profitable minimum viable product in 3 hours! If you have read this book you'll get a lot of information about what that means if it doesn't make sense.

I am about to leave the house to take the kids to the cold cold beach (crazy I know, but it makes them really happy to do this) so I wanted to be sure to pass the link along to you so you can check out his story! I will be poring over it in detail once I return home, or sooner if I can slip into Starbucks to warm up for a minute.

Reading stories like this are an important way to stay motivated when getting started in the world of making money online. There are a lot of them out there and I will be bringing their links here for you to check out and get what information and motivation you can out of it.

Also I highly recommend this book above, I will only ever recommend books that I have actually read or that someone I know personally recommends. I have a low tolerance for boring or useless books so this is an important point for me to make, if you like me are very picky, pay attention to my recommendations. For example I was in Barnes and Noble the other day looking at the social media books, grabbed six, and only one had any information that was new to me. I would only recommend that one to you. That's for another day though, I need to go get bundled up!!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Are You Getting Paid To Be You Yet?

"Paid To Be YOU" is a site where I am going to talk about all the things that I do so that you can learn from them in case you, like me, want to be paid to be who you are!!

Here is one of many books that have helped me..soon we'll get into the nitty gritty of how to be who you are (with benefits).

I read this book for the first time a year or two ago, I was blogging under a different blog at the time: and had a job, so things were very different.

Since then I have taken up a LOT of side gigs, met a lot of people, and learned a lot about making things work the way we WANT them to work out. If you clicked my "gigs" link don't worry...those were all BEFORE reading this book, couldn't help throwing it in there though!

I hope you will join me for the ride, it is a beautiful journey! I will be posting about all the things I do and adding to the list as I do more, so be sure to look at the older posts and not just follow the new ones.

What I like about this book is that it really gets you back in touch with yourself, it has some very simple exercises that really bring the reader to the core of who they are, what motivates them, why, and how to maintain the kind of focus that is needed to stay in that space so that accomplishments can be made. I recommend blogging about the priorities and lessons you learn to share your journey with others (increases accountability) as well as for yourself, so that you have it to refer back to. The first time I blogged about it you can see what I came up with HERE.